OpenVDB Toolkit for Maya 2018

3D Applications, Programming

OpenVDB by Dreamworks Animation is an incredibly powerful library along with some extremely useful toolkits. Since its release, OpenVDB has become the industry standard in DCC applications and rendering engines for representing volumetric data and even used for procedural modeling. SideFX has adopted the library, making it a core component of Houdini and every major rendering engine have added support. Unfortunately, Autodesk has yet to implement core support for the library in Maya which is widely used as a core pipeline application.

Autodesk Maya Dependency Script for CentOS 7

3D Applications

About a month ago I wiped my workstation and started fresh with a CentOS 7 minimal install. In the process of getting up and running, I needed to reinstall Autodesk Maya and all of the dependencies that go along with it. In order to expedite this process for myself in the future and for others, I whipped up a quick shell script that takes care of all of Maya’s dependencies.

Maya 2016 for Linux Users and Students

3D Applications

Over the past few months I’ve been seeing a bunch of posts in the Autodesk AREA forums and other sites asking about the Linux version of Maya for students and installing Ext 1. I’m hoping that through this post you will begin to understand what is required to accomplish these things and why you should wait for Maya 2017. I should emphasize that this post is geared towards students and not subscription members.